1 | 但是主张与加强与大陆的联系的马英九在三月以明显的优势赢得了选举。 | But Mr Ma won a resounding election victory in March on a platform of liberalising ties with China. | |
2 | 丰田汽车的油电混合车Prius在汽车业遥遥领先。 | Toyota’s Prius hybrid stole a march on the car industry. | |
3 | 告别冰冷,收回失望,露出你笑容,接受我存在,伸出你的手,握着我的手,我们同行不分离。 | Leave behind indifference, take back sorrow. Show your smile, take me in. Reach out your hand, take my hand, we march on as one. | |
4 | 就在埃突两国革命者摇摇晃晃走向民主之际,有个国家可能抢在了它们前面。 | As the revolutionary duo wend their wobbly ways to democracy, another country may be stealing a march on them. | |
5 | 没耐心的叛军士兵恳求领导人让他们在的黎波里街上游行;仅班加西一地就有约一万七千人签名加入志愿军。 | Impatient rebel sons are begging their fathers to let them march on Tripoli; some 17, 000 have signed up as volunteers in Benghazi alone. | |
6 | 去年,三星公司(SamsungCorp.)就增加了爱尔兰语的手机产品,以图挑战市场领头羊诺基亚(NokiaCorp.)。 | Last year, Samsung Corp. , trying to steal a march on market leader Nokia Corp. , added an Irish-language handset to its line. | |
7 | 然而,中资基金公司抢在了合资公司的前面。 | However, domestic firms have stolen a march on the joint ventures. | |
8 | 虽然通用原子能公司在核物理方面名气更响一些,但该公司已经比那些宇航巨头抢先一步生产出了“捕食者”无人机。 | Better known for its work in nuclear physics, General Atomics stole a march on the big firms by producing the Predator drone. | |
9 | 他知道,他的祖父母是华盛顿工作与自由游行运动的地方组织者。 | He knows that his paternal grandparents were local organizers of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. | |
10 | 微软想偷袭它的竞争对手,它打进索尼的根据地,让任天堂苦苦挣扎。 | Microsoft is hoping that by stealing a march on its competitors, it can make up ground on Sony and leave Nintendo floundering in its wake. | |
11 | 我讲到这一切,是因为华盛顿大游行近50年之后,我们的工作,金博士的工作,尚未完成。 | I raise all this because nearly 50 years after the March on Washington, our work, Dr. King’s work, is not yet complete. | |
12 | 由于预计全球经济将复苏,自从三月以来股票市场一直在积累人气。 | Stockmarkets have been rallying since March on anticipation that the global economy would recover. | |
13 | 在过去十年左右的时间里,中国已在亚洲抢先美国一步。 | Over the last decade or so, China has stolen? a? march on the US? in Asia. | |
14 | 在美国华盛顿,以和平和公正为宗旨的反战组织在国家广场组织了“星期六大游行”。 | The anti-war group United for Peace and Justice is organizing Saturday’s march on the National Mall. Veteran activist Jan. | |
15 | 这句格言出自本杰明·富兰克林,当那些士兵要上战场时,他对他们如是说。 | This is quoted from Benjamin Franklin who said so to soldiers when they were going to march on the battlefield. | |
16 | 这位前第一夫人在竞选团队乱作一团,外界舆论纷纷要求其退出的时候仍一往直前。 | The former first lady managed to march on despite chaos in her campaign and growing calls for her to withdraw from the race. | |
17 | 之后,金博士在芝加哥市中心领导了一次游行,我们全家都盛装参加了。 | Later, Dr. King led a march on downtown Chicago, a march that my whole family attended, dressed in our Sunday clothes. | |
18 | 中国能够抢到美国前面,更多是因为华盛顿相对而言忽视了必需的政治营销技巧。 | That it has stolen a march on the US is due more to Washington’s neglect than to Beijing’s undoubted political marketing skills. |